Loveseat with Bill and JJ Passalaxqua

January 24, 2025
@ Mary Street
8:00 pm

7:30 pm

ROADSHOW at Sessions On Mary

Bill Passalacqua, aka Poss, hosted one of the first Austin musical events Carol and John attended back in the early 2000s.

Poss just released Peace On My Mind in 2003 and was surrounded by like-minded folks at some funky cool eastside space, remembering Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone. We dug it. We bought the CD and played it. A lot. In fact, if you have been to a Mojo Working Happy Hour, there's a good chance you have heard the CD.

Last year, we asked Jeff Plankenhorn to extend an invitation to Poss and JJ to play at Sessions. You see, Poss left Austin before we got to actually meet him and settled in Farmington, Illinois. No judgment. There, he started a groovy music festival that includes some Austin musicians and Jeff was heading from Austin to perform at the festival.

With Jeff's help, we connected and quickly put a show together. We are very excited to host Bill and JJ, together as Loveseat, at Sessions On Mary.

Doors at 7:30 and Show at 8.
No advanced tickets. Generous donations at the door appreciated.

BYOB or enjoy the house booze. South Austin friendly inside and out. Snacks provided. Feel free to bring some but definitely not expected.

Special thanks to Tito's Handmade Vodka.

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